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Showing posts from July, 2009

Lincoln Reconsidered (and he's still one of my heroes)...

Abraham Lincoln is consistently ranked as one of our nation's "best" presidents in the eyes of scholars and historians. Polls of Americans will also reveal that he is one of our most beloved leaders. In January 2009, Barack Obama insisted upon being sworn into office on Lincoln's bible and has tried through transfer fallacy (glory by association) to insinuate himself as a sort of modern day Lincoln or at least the fulfillment of Lincoln's promise in the Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th Amendment that ended slavery in being the first African-American American President (although his father was Kenyan and he is not descended from slaves). I think regardless of our political views, those of us with any intellect at all threw up in our mouths a little through such brazen plainsfolk demagoguery and logical fallacy... But I suppose it got the last president elected, so I suppose this is the bread and circuses necessity of any contender for the highest office in th...