Geese, get your heads out of the gutter. Sort of reminds me of when I updated my status on FB to say the stripper burnt holes in my arm. Clumsy wording, pun not intended... I meant the chemical stripper I was using to get the polyurethane or acrylic lacquer coat off of my mom’s beautiful wooden eaves so I could refinish them, of course. But funny mental image my friend Meg pointed out. Yes, the stripper burnt holes in my arm. Indeed. Not that kind of dike people… Besides, that kind is spelled dyke . And, by definition, I am male, so that just would not happen regardless because this stereotyped pejorative label is reserved for a particularly militant and masculine or “butch” lesbian. And by opening this blog with a little bit of off-color humor, I should emphatically state that I’m no enemy of dyke-dom or LGBT folks. I love rainbows! This kind… Perhaps it would be better if we referred to it as a l...
It occurred to me...