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Showing posts from 2010

The joke’s on you: How you’ve been duped by astrology and didn’t even know it…

I blogged a while back on the proliferation of errant beliefs in the information age in viral internet memes:   Sticking My Finger in the Dike (many love it, and you might too).  I thought it was time to take a moment to briefly debunk astrology, that most repugnant of memes and pseudoscience adhered to by quite literally millions of Americans.   According to Gallup in the fall of 2005 , 25% of Americans and just as many Britons buy into the pseudoscience.  That’s ONE IN FOUR OF us!   At 300 million Americans, that’d be about 75 million Americans who virtually believe that THE EARTH IS FLAT!   I know!  Completely inconceivable!  Are you surprised really, given that 44% of Americans in 2008 said they believed God created man in his present form?   It just goes to show you how grossly ignorant the average American is when it comes to science…  Worse yet, in the Information Age, it could be argued there is n...